Ensembles Directory

Viewing all ensembles who play Brass

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To browse our Ensembles Directory select the style of group you are searching for from the menu on the right.  If you would like to make an enquiry about one of our groups, or are looking for something specific that is not listed here, please do contact us on 01306 500000 or mas@maslink.co.uk

Alberti Brass

Barbican Brass

Bella Tromba

Berkeley Brass

Blackweir Brass

Bones Apart

Christmas Brass

Clarke Brass Quintet


Cromwell Brass

Live Brass!

London Metropolitan Brass

London Serpent Trio

Majestic Brass

Queen Victoria's Consort


Savage Horn Quartet

Seraphim Trumpets

Stamp Quartet

Susato Brass

Tim Hawes Brass

Zenith Brass