Ensembles Directory

Looking for an ensemble for an event or party?

To browse our Ensembles Directory select the style of group you are searching for from the menu on the right.  If you would like to make an enquiry about one of our groups, or are looking for something specific that is not listed here, please do contact us on 01306 500000 or mas@maslink.co.uk

Bergersen Quartet

Ryedale Trio

Bespoke Music Service

Tim Hawes Brass

Siren Quartet

Oak String Quartet

Albero Ensemble

Zephyr Ensemble of London

Stateside Stompers

Overstory Folk

Aurras Duo

English Session Orchestra

Bridge String Quartet

Blackweir Brass

Live Brass!

Musicians Direct

Dahlia Music

Antara Duo

Melisande String Quartet


Oculi Ensemble

Brighton Chamber Ensemble

Dorette Violin and Harp Duo

Pacific Winds